Friday, October 24, 2008

RW/RR Challenge- the Pot and the Kettle

This was the biggest statement on this week's installement of the Real World/Road Rules Challenge- the Island:

"I don't hate women. I hate stupid people."

Um, hi, stupid kettle, this is mentally challenged pot.

Both of these boats are going to sink, and we will be left with a greatly reduced cast for the next Challenge.

It was refreshing to see Johnny nearing his come-uppance. With the news that the non-key holders (Ev, KellyAnne, Johanna and Robin) would all have an opportunity to steal a key, the concept of alienating everyone on the island seems like a horrible idea now.

Here is to hoping that lesbianism triumphs, and Ev is able to steal a key from Johnny. Thats all I really want to see.

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